We talk a lot about preventing termites in your home and treating your home for termites. But how do you know if you have a termite problem?
You may think your home is safe from termites simply because you’ve never seen any termites around your home. Or you might think you’re safe because your home isn’t made primarily of wood — but the truth is, no home is ever immune to termites.
These pesky little guys can make it through even metal siding, and they feed on plaster, cabinets, floors, ceilings, and even furniture.
1. Swarms. Swarms are one of the biggest and most noticeable signs of termites in your home. Swarms are exactly what they sound like: large groups of termites swarming (AKA flying) together in the open. They swarm when their colony grows too large and when weather conditions are optimal (typically the spring or summer). If you notice a swarm of termites near your home, it’s a good indicator that you have a well-established colony of termites living in your home somewhere. Even if you don’t, this is a good sign that you will begin seeing damage within 2 years.
2. Wood damage. You can typically tell when you have wood damage somewhere in your home just by looking at it. You’ll see buckling and swelling, and if the damage is really bad, you’ll even see holes and hollowed out sections of wood. Tap on a few different pieces of wood in your home to check if it sounds hollow. If you need to dig a little deeper, break open a piece of wood from your home. If it’s layered or carved out, that means termites.
3. Sand. If you notice small piles of sand around your home, but you haven’t been to the beach recently, this could be a sign of termite fecal pellets, meaning drywood termites are lurking in your home.
4. Mud tubes. Mud tubes appear along walls, baseboards, wooden beams, and along cracks and crevices within your home. This is how subterranean termites move from one place to another within your home without getting dehydrated. Never ignore these if you find them in or around your home!
5. Damaged flooring. Have you ever noticed sagging or swelling floors in your home? This could be a sign that termites are working on your floorboards.
6. Maze-like tunnels. Check your furniture! This is especially important if you own any wooden or antique furniture. You’ll likely see tunnels within the furniture in odd maze shapes. If they’ve taken over one piece of furniture, they’ve likely taken over other pieces and maybe even more areas of your home.
If you’ve noticed any of these signs in your home, don’t wait to take action. Call in the professionals to help assess your potential termite problem and recommend the correct treatment system.
We love taking care of homes just like yours, so call us now! 706-979-2536
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