
Back to School and Kids’ Head Lice

Back to School and Kids’ Head Lice

Summer is over and our kids are officially back in school. There’s a lot of excitement over the new school year, but remember: pesky lice are also going back to school. Don’t worry! Here are some quick facts about kids’ head lice and how you can prevent them.

How To Check For Head Lice

Head lice are most active in August and September, so it’s important to look for these pests in the months that your kids are starting school. Head lice are typically found in dark, warm environments, such as under a ponytail. Symptoms and signs include itching, feelings of small movement on your head, irritability, and sores from frequent scratching.

Kids’ Head Lice Facts

  • Head lice are one of the top 3 reasons kids miss school.
  • Approximately 6-12 million kids get head lice every year.
  • Head lice are a fast-spreading nuisance, but they are not dangerous.
  • Head lice are not related to hygiene or cleanliness.
  • Head lice look like a sesame seed in size. They are tan, brown, or gray.
  • Head lice can’t live in your home for more than 24 hours.
  • Head lice can’t live on your pets.
  • Head lice can often be found behind the ears or around the neckline.
  • Head lice eggs can look like dandruff, but they are firmly attached to the hair.

Kids’ Head Lice Prevention

  • When your kids are playing at school or at home, avoid any head-to-head contact.
  • Avoid sharing clothing with other children. This includes sports jerseys, hats, hair bands, bows, etc.
  • Do not share hair brushes, combs or towels. If using someone else’s brush, soak it in hot water for more than 5 minutes.
  • If you know someone is infected with head lice, don’t let your kids lie on a couch, bed, pillow, or carpet after them.
  • Machine wash and dry any clothing or bedding used by an infected child within two days of kids’ head lice treatment.
  • Vacuum your floor and furniture frequently.

Head Lice Treatment

Treatment should be done at the first sign of your kids having head lice. There are over-the-counter and prescription options for treatment, and if treatment is done before eggs are laid, then only one treatment will be needed. If not, kids will typically need multiple treatments because lice can lay up to 10 eggs daily.

Head lice can be some of the worst pests that your kids will face, but they’re not the only ones. Take a look at our blog to see other pests that can affect you and your kids and feel free to contact us if and when you need any help with the pests in your life!