
Holiday Pest Proofing For Your Home

Holiday Pest Proofing For Your Home

The holidays are here, which means you’re likely expecting plenty of guests in your home. But how do you make sure the unwanted guests like rodents and insects stay away? Don’t worry! We have plenty of holiday pest proofing for your home, and we’re always here to help if you spot a pest problem.

Here are some tips to protect your home from those unwanted guests this holiday season:

  • Thoroughly inspect and shake out Christmas trees, wreaths, pine cones, and other plants you’re using for decor before bringing any of it into your home.
  • Always double check all of your lights, ornaments, and other decorations before pulling them out of storage. If you can, inspect these outside. You never know who might be hiding in your storage bins or bags.
  • Store all your decorations in plastic, airtight containers to prevent pests from getting in later.
  • Planning a nice, warm fire? Store firewood off the ground and at least 20 feet away from the home. Inspect each piece carefully before bringing into the home.
  • Inspect and clean up baking products. It’s the best time to start baking, but it could also mean pulling out products from the pantry for the first time this year. Thoroughly check bags of flour and sugar, and don’t forget to clean the kitchen quickly once you’re done!
  • Seal all holes and cracks along the foundation of your home, and check for any other openings throughout. Check your chimney for intruders or openings, and seal when necessary. For tips on sealing, check this out.

We hope you enjoy the holidays pest-free. The last thing you need to worry about is a pest control problem, so contact us if you need some extra reassurance this holiday season.